Mailing List Cleanup

Enhance your email campaigns with Mailing List Cleanup. Eliminate outdated contacts and improve your open rates for maximum impact.

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Mailing List Cleanup

While most of the business houses have huge records of leads and mailing lists available of their prospective customers, how far is the hygiene in the mailing list maintained.

What is Mailing List Cleanup and how does it matter?

Your mailing list may include email addresses which are outdated / inactive or invalid. Also, some may not be related to the right sources. This does mean, that this data pollutes your mailing list, however, by removing such data doesn’t mean the mailing list is cleaned up.

The other aspect to clean mailing list also appropriately means to include those which are your subscribers, customers from the past and who deserve to be responded / addressed or in fact reminded of your services.

So how does mailing list matters? Well, it does, bringing in a plethora of benefits, such as

  •    Reduced Bounce rate

Bounce, as is known is an automated response receives when a mailing server fails to deliver a message to another mail server. A typical response received on the webmail is referred as bounce.

In order to reach out to maximum recipients in your mailing list, it is important to make such email addresses redundant from the list. Ideally the acceptable / maximum bounce rate at one given time, out of the mailing is 2%.

  •    Lesser Spam hits

Excluding spammers is one of the strategies in order to create filtered email addresses / companies and listing of administrators. These are referred as spam traps and this becomes an indication that mailing list may be of poor quality.

  •    Sender reputation management

Sender reputation should be the utmost priority. The same can be maintained basis how you engage with the subscribers, handle complaints, spam hits and what has been your bounce rate. Mailing list cleanup covers up such discrepancies and helps build up / manage the reputation.

  •    Accelerated User Engagement

Interest of audience is what brings in chances of inclusion of the target audience in your mailing list. With more engagement, regular updates sent and the opens and clicks reports reviewed, helps you maintain the valid email addresses in the list. This also further becomes a protective layer and reduces a possibility of being blacklisted or blocked.

  •    Cost and time saving

Two valuable assets in every business is the cost and time invested. With cleaned up mailing list, you will be certainly at a better place to reduce the cost and time you may bear even on cold and unverified and non-existent email addresses.

SkyWeb Service assures that with regular Mailing list cleanup, any business can accelerate its activities and the targets, as planned.

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