Data Cleansing & Enrichment

Use professional data cleansing and enrichment services to improve the quality of your data. Convert unprocessed data into insightful knowledge that can help you make wise decisions.

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Data Cleansing & Enrichment

Our business spaces and processes involve huge data which at times may include words that are often tossed or may be ambiguous.

Every business organisation through its marketing team, crafts various campaigns to reach the target audience and make strategies to shoot up their sales. However, at times, what they fail to realise is that even carefully planned campaigns may go wrong. The reason behind the same is the quality of data which is relied upon.

So how does data cleansing & enrichment affect the quality of data?

Your data may miss out the factual and updated information on the aspects such as behavioural patterns or the needs and expectations of the customers. This ultimately causes an adverse effect on your strategies, targets and the resources employed.

Data cleansing and enrichment allows your business to have reliable data which helps understand customer perceptions, preferences and allows marketers to make informed decisions for their marketing campaigns.

What is Data Cleansing?

As the term is self explanatory, the process which ensures the data is accurate, consistent and appropriate for the business / a new campaign.

Data cleansing usually starts with discarding the old data, excluding data sets with missing fields, clearing the discrepancies and repetitions.

It allows identifying and removing the corrupt data, which may be inaccurate or outdated. The same can be done by implementation of methods such as –

  •    Merging records which are duplicates / include duplicate information
  •    Purging stale leads / deleting redundant data which may not be effective now
  •    Optimizing / cleaning Metatags, appearing on your website’s pages since a long time and thus become obsolete

What is Data Enrichment?

Further to data cleansing, it is relevant to enhance and improvise the raw data.

Data can be enriched for your specific business requirement by using various methods-

  •    Data addition / offline data collaboration – in the customer centric approach, we receive a lot of customer feedback, through various offline modes of communication. It is however, important to capture all at one place to further add value to the data.
  •    Consolidated Customer journey – Beginning from the first enquiry to after sales, there are various touch-points where the customers’ information / records are maintained. Consolidating and combining the data metrics helps in further refining the details of customer’s history.

So before launching or executing a marketing campaign, make sure that your data is clean and enriched for the outputs that you desire. Skyweb Service’s expert support may be the first step help you update data and further take appropriate decisions.

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